Stack View

The stack view lets you view stacks of your current catalog. A stack represents a stack of photos.

64 The counter shows you the amount of photos in this stack
Move your cursor over this wheel and press down the left button while moving the wheel, to change the photo on top of the stack.
The "Close" button lets you easily remove a stack
Show a menu to quickly copy, move to trash, or export files.
For virtual stacks
For stack linked to hard drive folder
For stack linked to hard drive folder with sub folders
For stack linked to Dropbox folder
For stack linked to CF-Card
For searching stacks
For smart stacks

A virtual stack is a stack of photos that can be created to work inside the software, during your workflow. It is not linked to a folder on your hard drive. The virtual Stack store links to your files.

A folder stack is linked to a folder of the same name on your hard drive. You can change the name of the folder directly inside 1FLOW, by clicking on the corresponding stack.

The Smart Stack  Pro  is a dynamic stack based on a search query. Each time a new file is added to 1FLOW and if it fits the search criteria, the new file will automatically be added to the smart stack.

The Reject Stack lets you create a list of rejected photos. The "Reject stack" simplifies the process of reviewing a sequence. Files stay on your hard drive at their original location. At the end of the reviewing process, you can simply move them to Windows Recycle Bin or OSX Trash.

To get started

Just drop files or folders from Windows Explorer or From OSX Finder or use Add Folder on the File Menu.

Stack Actions

Using the drop menu in the top right corner of a stack, you can, Copy To, Move To, Move to Trash, or Export to (For All files or Selected Files only).